Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 1 Phase 2-July 9, 2010

When the scene shifted from Sibley Hospital to HOME, the whole screen play changed.

Transport was via accessible cab thanks to Gale May, who should be used by anyone visiting D.C. -- wheel chair or not.  Being discharged was a bit of a tiring exercise.  No matter how well you work to have things move at a moderate pace (can't wish for fast), a person winds up waiting...waiting...waiting. Finally, on went the blue knit dress, about which Susan noted "I haven't seen this dress for a while."  

At home the primary care team (Mary, Bob, Pan and me) shifted into a different kind of work.  I zipped to the pharmacy and grocery to get the helpful meds and some "proper" food for Susan.  Mary and Pam helped her from chair to her own bed (Tempurpaedic Topper and rising head and feet).  Soon she had her TV and bed remote in her control. I fed her a few bites and sips.  Then she went to sleep.

Mary and Bob began their preparations to return to their regular life.  Pam zipped off to Baltimore and into her regular life.  Later in the afternoon, two of Susan's oldest friends (not in year of age but years of friendship) rang the bell after having requested and received permission to come aboard. Jo Vaughan and Michelle Morgan had come from Sacramento and the mountains of New Mexico to see their dear Sistah.  If anyone of y'all (not family) have known Susan since before the early 1970s let me know.  You can be one of the "oldest" too. :)  The joy and pleasure of their visit lifted Susan's spirits high, high, high.  She said she feels "lifted up by so many caring hands."

A quiet evening ended early for all. M&B took off to NC to get south of Richmond before over nighting; they miss any and all rush hours and have an easy cruise back home.  Michelle and Jo were settled into a hotel near Dupont Circle.  They will be returning today.

I found myself sleeping until 7 this AM.  I've gotten used to the 5 AM rising but sure appreciated the extra ZZZZ time.

More in my next post.  John


Marie Strahan said...


Marie said...

Yeah, Sis! So glad you're at home. Welcome J&M -- can't wait to see you two.
luv, m.

Cory said...

I'm so glad to read that Susan is back home and firmly on the mend. Is she up for phone calls yet? I know two little rugrats who would love to wish their Nana get-well-soon wishes of their own.

Anonymous said...

YEAH! Great news, welcome home Susan!
Big hug,
Karla Bell