Sunday, June 20, 2010

Noon time Day 5

The latest from the collection of doctors is that progress is increasing in rate. The ICU doctor is targeting tomorrow for "extubating" (taking the ventilator tube out.) Today she is encouraged to do a lot of resting.

Right now, Pam is rubbing her feet and legs with a cool damp cloth to help her be more comfortable. The saga continues.


Maggie Roffee said...

John, please give our love to Susan. Larry and I are sending positive thoughts to you both. And the news sounds like it is getting better and better every day. Love, Maggie

John W. Watson said...
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John W. Watson said...

John, please give our love to Susan. Larry and I are sending positive thoughts to you both. And the news sounds like it is getting better and better every day. Love, Maggie